Happy New Year – Goals not Resolutions
Resolutions are so overplayed. Goals are structured and outlined. Here is how an outline to follow for any goals you would like to make in this new year! Follow the S.M.A.R.T outline The “S” in smart is for Specific. Be specific when setting a goal. For example, your goal could be “I want to be healthier in 2020”, to make this goal specific you could say “I want to walk everyday”. It takes a board idea and makes it more detailed and specific! “M” stands for measurable. Your goal of walking daily can now be “I want to walk 3 miles a day”. By adding a measurable aspect to this goal, you can track it and see if you are meeting your goal. Attainable or Achievable is for the “A”, use which ever description speaks to you. If your goal of walking 3 miles every day is not attainable to you, you will not be able to reach your goal. Attainable means not easy and not too hard but just right. Just enough for you to stretch to meet your goals. “R” is for Relevant. Is this goal going to support you in your larger goals, or the over-arching goal of becoming healthier? If you already walk 3 miles a day, it would not be relevant for you to add this already achieved goal into your day. Time-bound is for “T”. When setting goals, it is very important and helpful to set them with a time frame in mind. Both for the frequency of your goal as well as for the completion of your goal. At what time can you say the goal is completed? When you have lost 5 pounds? When you can walk 3 miles in under an hour? You set the time specification on this goal, but make sure it is something that you can measure. Setting goals is a wonderful tool, even if you do not meet those goals. If you have no goals then you have nothing to measure against. Happy goal setting in 2020! ![]() Medicare If you are turning 65 in February, now would be the perfect time to sign up for Part B. We would be happy to guide you along the Medicare path. Don’t forget if you signed up for Part B during the general enrollment period, your coverage began on January 1st. ![]() Child Turning 26? If you have a child turning 26, don’t forget to check your policy. Employer group insurances have many different rules, however if you are on an individual plan your child will need a new policy. Additionally if your child is on a College plan they may need other coverage for the Summer. We would be happy to help you make that transition, we handle all individual policies as well as Access Health plans as certified Brokers. Verifications with Access Health If you have received a letter from Access Health requesting you verify your income, identity or citizenship please be sure to respond to those letters in a timely manner. Access Health WILL terminate your plan if this is not done to their satisfaction. If you receive a letter that either says you failed, or says “90 Day Determination” please contact us immediately so that we can help you satisfy the verification with Access Health. Additionally if you have any question regarding this please reach out to us as we can help you. We would also like to remind you at this time to call us before you call Access Health! We can help you sort out whatever needs to be done more efficiently then if you were to call into Access Health on your own. ![]() As we are enter a New Year, we want to take this opportunity to Thank you for being our clients. We are now in our 4th year of business and we could not have done it without you! It is a pleasure to serve your insurance needs. Your patronage supports us and our families and we are humbly grateful. We sincerely hope that you prosper along with us this year. As always if you are in need of anything please do not hesitate to contact us. With our busy season behind us, now is when we circle back to anything extra you may have requested of us such as Dental insurance or Life Insurance quotes. Contact Us Laura Brewer (203) 947-1716 Ericka Onorato (475) 206-1700 Info@tigerseyeinsurance.com Like us on Facebook for the latest most up to date information in insurance. Follow us on Linked In, we also post updates from time to time here. Follow us on Instagram simply because pictures and news together are fun! |